God is (NOT) in Control!

Is God really controlling everything?

This is a phrase that I hear used often, mostly when something goes wrong. “God is in control,” it is said when someone dies; when a devastating storm hits; when our health fails. One of the biggest areas of confusion in the church is in the sovereignty of God.  We know that God is all-powerful […]

Most People Have Never Heard The Gospel, Not Even Christians

Most people have never heard the gospel and if they have, they either don’t understand it or they don’t believe it. This word “gospel” literally means nearly-too-good-to-be-true news. The church has long thought that the pure, undiluted “good news” of the gospel was too good to be true, so most have added back some law […]

I Please God

Walk up to someone and say, “I please God”.  What kind of response do you think you will receive?  The response from most people will be something like this: “who are you to say that you please God, who do you think you are?”  Their reaction will let you know immediately if they are religious […]

Perfected Forever!

Points of Grace Hebrews 10:12, 14  12  But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God,  14  For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. Preachers who preach the Grace of God often have a number of accusations aimed at them. That they: encourage […]