The Parable of The Indiscriminate Sower

Have you ever heard the parable of the sower?  Jesus taught it and it can be found in Matthew 13:3-8.  Like all of Jesus’ parables, this one contains amazing surprises.  This parable speaks of seed being scattered on stony places, shallow places, among thorns and on good ground.  It says the good ground produced some 30, 60, and some 100-fold return.  And so as soon as we hear Jesus talking about these incredible returns, we jump right to the part where we try to figure out how to be “good soil”.  We want to see ourselves as the good soil, we like the ability to categorize and label, to judge and compare ourselves against the other soils. 

I Bet You Think This Parable Is About You

All the sermons that I’ve heard preached about this parable focus on the different types of ground.  In this parable, it’s easy to get caught up in the business of the soil.  We struggle over the details of where we fit and of what steps we can take to become “good” soil.  When Jesus explains this parable, He never encourages or exhorts anyone to try and be good soil.  Why?  Because this parable isn’t mainly about soil but souls.  Jesus gives us the clue right at the beginning.  Jesus says, “Hear then the parable of the sower”.  This parable is about the sower.  Not about us.  It’s about God.  About this sowing God who seems radical, haphazard, and all over the place.  A God whose seeds end up everywhere.

The Crazy Sower

Would a normal farmer act like the sower in Jesus’s story?  Would a normal farmer waste seed?  Of course not.  What would you think of a farmer scattering seeds in a thorn patch?  Wouldn’t you think he was crazy?  Wasting good seed among thorns?  After all, that is seed that will clearly and obviously not produce any fruit for him.  What does a normal farmer do?  If he sees a field with stones in it, he removes the stones before he sows the seed.  If he sees a field with weeds in it, he removes the weeds before he sows the seed.  But that is not what Jesus’s sower does.  He sees hard ground and he sows seed on it.  He sees weedy soil and he sows seed on it.  He sees good soil and he sows seed on it.  No matter what kind of ground he sees, he just sowed the seed.

So why is Jesus telling a story about such an indiscriminate sower?  Because Jesus isn’t talking about literal seeds and soils types.  He is talking about the Sower, His Father.  This parable describes a sower scattering seed with wild abandon, willing to imagine and see if seeds will grow – even in the most unexpected places.  This parable is about a God who sees possibility even in the rocky, hard, shallow and thorny places.  Places where others don’t see potential or any hope.  Even knowing that the seeds may not grow in poor conditions, God scatters seed anyway. 

God declares that all these different soils are acceptable for His Word to be scattered on.  This parable shows us a God who has decided to scatter grace, mercy and love in all directions.  It is a God who is wants the Word of the Kingdom to be heard everywhere and anywhere.  It shows a God who is determined to let us know, that no matter what kind of soil we are, we are deemed worthy of His seed.   This sowing God is showing us that the lenses of good and bad soil that we see the world through is not how He sees.  The productivity of the soil does not determine whether He sows His seed.  Whether we are good and holy, whether we are hard or rocky… these things do not determine whether God loves us.  We are cherished and loved, imperfections and all.  The sower sows not because we are good, but because He is good, and He has decided to not withhold His seed from us.  And there is no amount of fruit that we can bear or fail to bear, no good works that we can do to earn His love or sins that we can commit that can separate us from God’s love and mercy.

Stop Waiting on Perfect Conditions to Sow God’s Word

Ecclesiastes 11:1,4, says, “Cast your bread upon the waters, . . . He who observes the wind will not sow”.  Sharing God’s Word or your testimony is not about perfect soil conditions.  Your job is not to try and remove stones and weeds or cultivate their heart, but to simply scatter the seed.  You don’t have to build a relationship with them before you can share the word of God with them.  We way overthink evangelism.  The picture of evangelism that Jesus presents in this parable is the exact opposite of what most believers are taught.  Tossing the seed out as much as possible on anyone and everyone is crazy. We say, “they don’t know me, they need to get to know me first, they may be wayside soil and need me to help plow their heart and get it ready to receive His word”.  But that just isn’t what Jesus said.

Please don’t misunderstand me, there’s nothing wrong with building a relationship with people unless the only reason that you are doing so is to “win” them to the Lord.  Of course, you should care about people.  Sure, you should be nice to people.  That is what Christians do.  We love people.  We don’t love people because that is the way we get to share the gospel with them.  We love them because that is what Jesus did, so that is what we do.  We need to stop acting like we are supposed to be testers or cultivators of the soil.  Don’t try to determine if the conditions are right to share God’s word, just toss the seeds of His love, grace, and mercy everywhere you go. 

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

7 thoughts on “The Parable of The Indiscriminate Sower

  1. Shew…it’s funny to me that we can read the same passage and get a different message…not opposite…just different… still truth? God’s been speaking to me about that passage … as a little Baptist girl I was raised to believe that only the good soil made it to heaven… but just the last couple days I read it as if my eyes were opened for the first time… This is how I saw the parable of the sower…I see as if He is explaining who God saves but how…God saves us…each time God speaks the word to those who are in different places in their life…I see the beginning and the end… he starts out the with the seed ..the word and He sows it into our hearts…maybe as a little child…and it’s received…. believed …..but not understood, so often the enemy steals the truth God planted when we first believed… that leads to many who end up in stoney places among the rocks and hard places in life… and we really need to hear God… it’s then we receive the word with joy…but because we are not rooted and grounded…when tribulation comes we stumble…… and then the word again comes to refresh us… and we receive it…but because of cares and riches of this world we become unfruitful… and then finally when we reach the place where we are good ground…we have received the word… we have understood it… we have become rooted and grounded… and we have learned to put to death the flesh, that can so easily follow after it’s desires…it’s then we become that good ground, bringing forth fruit to perfection… ..So…God is teaching me to stop judging people’s journey and just show them Jesus…btw…not sure I’m that good soil just yet…but I’m confident He will finish what He started in me and in the rest of the world as well… just gotta keep my eyes on Him and off people…LOL
    Blessings, Michelle

  2. Hello Pastor Dell
    Thanks for a power pack word. It’s sad to see people not taking heed of the word of God, but the word of God is truth and people needs to stop playing God and be doers of the word of God. After being in therapy with Pastor Jo for months I can see that I have come along ways and I need to stay focus on the Word of God and focus on my healing I have been at Grace Point for years and I am still learning the truths of the word of God I am not a giver upper I am a Survivor and not a victim. I believe that God put me in the path of our Church because truth is being talk and bc I am to get my breakthrough as i
    work through all off my past Love so much my pastor and Pastor Jill . See ya Sunday. Michelle.

  3. Loved this, you break it down so clearly, and I have never heard another Pastor preach it this way. I listened to the sermon on Facebook about this and it really was good. Sometimes the simplicity of it, just makes me laugh. And I think you would be a good comedian. You make is so light and easy for everyone to understand. Thanks for a good word Pastor Dell.

  4. I heard Bro Dell in Carrollton this past weekend & totally agree with his messages of Grace aka Jesus Christ. But I have one question that no one has been able to answer to where my spirit agreed with them. How can I email Bro Dell my question? I didn’t see his email address on this site. Thanks for your help in this.

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