Why Did Paul Hand Some People Over to Satan?

From time to time I receive questions regarding difficult passages in the Bible.  Since the pandemic, I now have a backlog of questions to answer.  I’ll try to get to each of them over the coming weeks.  I received this one:  Can you please help me understand what the scriptures are talking about regarding Paul […]

The Blessing of Boredom

A couple of months ago most of us had never heard of COVID-19; now all of us have had our lives disrupted by it. How quickly things can change: No restaurants to dine in, no movie theaters open, no schools in session, no church services to attend.  In April 2020, with much of the world […]

What is the Unforgivable Sin?

I am often asked questions about the “unforgivable sin”.  One of the greatest sources of anxiety among believers is confusion over issues of sin and forgiveness. Tell a confused Christian that there is an unforgiveable sin and it’s like throwing gas on a fire.  So, is there an unforgiveable sin and, if so, what is […]

Life Lessons from the Christmas Story (The Bible, not the Movie).

I love Christmas.  I love being able to see it through the eyes of my grandchildren.  In a culture that has become increasingly secular, where it is politically incorrect to even mention the name of Jesus Christ, I think it’s wonderful that Christmas brings out into the public some of the greatest truths of the […]

This Changes Everything

What is the one thing that sets Christianity apart from every other religion in the world?  It is not turning from sin, prayer, confession, or even moral living, for all these practices can be found, in one form or another in other religions.  The one thing that makes the Christian faith unique is grace. Every […]